Metallised internal blinds: solution to BENG standards

As of 1-1-2021, the new BENG standard for new buildings is a fact. The new standard makes the use of glass applications increasingly difficult, while it is a trend to build as transparent as possible. In addition, as of 1-1-2023 all existing office buildings must meet at least energy label C, which is still relatively unknown. Kvadrat Verosol, specialist in the design and production of functional fabrics for interior sun protection and inventor of the metallised fabrics, offers total solutions to these challenges.


  • 18 August 2020

BENG in new buildings

Evert Bos, product manager at Verosol, explains that three indicators are important for the BENG calculation in new buildings. First, the maximum energy requirement of a building, where it is important to reduce energy consumption. The second is the reduction in the use of primary fossil fuels, and the third is the minimum proportion of renewable energy.


The first indicator describes the valuation of sun protection as a policy measure and should therefore be included. This has recently been extended to include blinds. "Provided that it is an integral part of the climate control system," says Bos. That means that it is automatically controlled and linked to a building management system that controls the climate control.

Solar and insulating function

Whereas in the past people only looked at how to keep out heat in the summer and thus achieve reductions in cooling (lower ZTA or g-value), nowadays better insulation is also achieved when internal blinds are closed at night during the heating season. This prevents cooling, so that less heating is required (lower U-value). Bos: "It is an absolute bonus that the solar and insulating effect of interior sun blinds can now be included in calculations of a building's energy performance."